investment banking

Investment Banking

Our investment banking and securities services are dedicated to helping entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives achieve their company's strategic goals.

Comprehensive and Personalized Service Platform


M&A Advisory

We consistently provide consulting services for clients in local and cross-border transactions, assisting with:

  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Ownership changes
  • Corporate defense situations
  • Independent valuations / Independent expert opinions
  • Corporate restructuring and intergenerational transitions
  • Debt and equity placements (including public and private offerings)
  • Acquisition financing
  • Derivative transactions directly related to the above activities


Global Financing

If you have fundraising needs, we can design, structure, and execute public or private transactions, including:

  • Equity capital
  • Debt capital (investment grade, high yield, or leveraged loans)
  • Refinancing, bridge loans, acquisition financing
  • Structured products

Additionally, we can act as a fixed-income market maker in certain familiar markets, providing professional services.

About Us

Leeds Securities Investment Limited was established in 2017 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Leeds Investment Holdings Limited. Leeds (Central Number BMS480) is a licensed corporation regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (Type 1 – Dealing in Securities) and is also a participant of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Broker Number 0682).

Get In Touch

2903C-05, The Centrium, 60 Wyndham Street, Hong Kong

Phone: (852) – 3106 2213

Fax: (852) – 3106 0001


Risk Disclosure: The contents of this page do not constitute investment advice and do not form any offer, solicitation, or recommendation for any investment product. This information is for general purposes only and does not take into account your personal needs, investment objectives, or specific financial circumstances. All securities investments involve risks, and past performance of securities and any financial products does not guarantee future returns. A diversified portfolio may help spread risk but does not ensure profits or prevent losses. Before engaging in investment activities, investors should fully understand the relevant financial products, be aware of their potential risks, and make rational decisions based on their own risk tolerance or the advice of a professional investment advisor. Please refer to the risk disclosure for more information.

@ 2024 by Leeds Securities Investment Limited. All Rights Reserved